FFmpeg: How to add a color border to a video?

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add a color border to a video using the FFmpeg command. ffmpeg -i myinput.mp4 -filter_complex “[0]pad = w=40+iw : h=40+ih: x=20 : y=20 : color=#FF0000” -movflags +faststart output.mp4 w=40+iw h=40+ih x=20:y=20 is used for if x=0,y=0 so the border is not shown on the left and … Read more

FFmpeg | Concatenate multiple videos with different transitions | Video Transition Effects Part #2

In this tutorial, we will learn to concatenate multiple videos with different types of GL transitions. Prerequisites: 1) node js 2) ffmpeg-concat module FFmpeg: Video Transitions Effects – Part #1 Step 1: In this step, we will write a script to concatenate multiple videos with different kinds of transitions. Create a file with .js extension … Read more

FFmpeg : Video Transition Effects – Part #1

In this tutorial, we will learn to use video transitions to concat two videos with the FFmpeg command. **Prerequisite to use GL transitions: 1) ffmpeg to be installed. 2) Node js must be installed. 3) ffmpeg-concat module required Let’s get started: Step 1: Node.js Installation tutorial: link: https://youtu.be/fk8gVu8PJXM Step 2: Now we will install ffmpeg-concat … Read more